Fascist Political Games Threaten Bodily Autonomy: Mifepristone in Question

April 17, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

In the debate over abortion there are two major camps within the ruling class. On one side stand the left fascists, who are joined by ruling class interests like drug giant Pfizer. On the other side are open social reactionaries, the most vicious of capitalism’s domestic faces, who have been planting ever-broader roots among the most violently reactionary segments of the population.

The Ruling Class Speaks

February 21, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

So, we have our outline for the final period of the Biden presidency: war, on every front; with enemies foreign and domestic, and between the ruling class and the working classes but with a concomitant peace: peace between the fractious and rebellious groups within the bourgeois ruling class, so they can present a united front. Well, let him draw his sword. We are forging ours.

Terror in Memphis, the Police and the People

January 31, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

“Killer cops aren’t the exception and they aren’t “the bad apple that spoils the bunch.” They are the intended outcome of the policy that unleashes stormtroopers in blue on the streets of every poor and majority-Black neighborhood in every city.

Against the NATO–Russian War

January 16, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 6

The war in Ukraine,” the imperialists say, “is a war of Russian aggression. It began in February of 2022, when the Russian Federation invaded the Donbass.” But beware! The imperialist media has no reason to tell “objective” truths. Whether the people reporting on the war know it or not, they’re being used as tools to sell a story to the workers in the West. That story is one the imperialists want you to hear.

Send in the Clown

January 2, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 2

On 21 December 2022 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the comedian-president of Ukraine, was flown on a U.S. Air Force jet out of his war-devastated country to beg for alms from his American masters in front of the U.S. Congress. Zelenskyy is the representative of the fascist-infiltrated government in Kiev and serves at the pleasure of a loose coalition of Banderite leaders — men who profess loyalty to the vision of the ultranationalist, antisemite, and murderer Stepan Bandera who organized mass executions during World War II.

The Present Crisis in Haiti

November 4, 2022 Cde. J. Katsfoter 1

This publication was launched on 22 August 2022, the two-hundred-thirty-first anniversary of the beginning of the Haitian Revolution on the island of Saint-Domingue. In an article for our launch of […]

Fascism Unveiled

November 2, 2022 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

Last week the Federalist (a right-fascist magazine) published a new fascist manifesto. This boldness follows the capture of the United States Supreme Court by the similarly named Federalist Society and […]