The Cost of Convenience

January 9, 2024 Cde. G. Gracchus 1

There’s a reason we can get relatively cheap food transported from all over the world. That convenience seems cheap, but there’s a cost that we don’t see.

Photo of hospital IV drip

Drug Shortages, Profit Motive, and Crisis

July 15, 2023 Cde. Vinz 0

The only true solution to the problem of drug shortages, one that does not rely on market Band-aids, is to move healthcare from a for-profit system to a for-need system, and the only way to do that is to fully socialize healthcare.

The Failing Banks and the Faith of the Masses

April 7, 2023 Cde. Celeste 0

The U.S. economy is bleeding, it’s hurt. It’s stumbling along on stilted steps, and the Federal Reserve needs to keep up the faith. That’s how all this works, right? Faith that the slip of paper, or the mark on the computer, means you have money somewhere that will be honored when you try to take it out.