A cartoon image of a crane holding a construction sign that says ORGANIZE, followed by the words "within the DSA!"

Organize Within the DSA!

April 12, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

It is exceedingly easy to apply a mechanical analysis to the DSA and dismiss the “party” without a second thought – but we are not in the third period and the DSA is not the SDP.

A crowd of workers and peasants, drawn in a line-drawing style, surround a figure with hands upraised as the sun shines behind them. The words BATTLE LINES are written across the image.

Battle Lines

April 5, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 5

Who are our friends? Who are our enemies? These are questions that it is critical for us to answer in order to advance our movement.

Black and white photograph of a full auditorium from the rostrum; a sign reads BUILD THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


March 15, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

We have to stop and take stock of what’s going on: the how, the why, and what can be done to change the direction of the movement.