The U.S. Precariat Under Fire

February 26, 2025 Cde. SJ 0

The role of the immigrant worker in the United States today is that of the lowest laboring class. Almost always paid under the going rate — or the legal rate — the immigrant worker struggles and sweats everywhere there is work the settler class would rather not do themselves.

Notes on the Ceasefire

February 4, 2025 Cde. Sylvia 1

When it comes to the ceasefire, one point must be borne in mind: the Palestinian resistance has forced it through political-military power.

Colonial Chauvinism and Some Resources to Defeat It

January 28, 2025 Cde. Alex Reid 0

These lands are actively occupied. They were not acquired through fair and conventional warfare, but through the distinctly unfair practice of genocide, targeting mostly women and children. This genocide was and is waged by coerced treaties, active war, deprivation of resources, chemical and biological agents, ethnic cleansing, and more treaties. These practices have certified these regimes as apartheid states.

Settlers Set the World on Fire

January 26, 2025 Cde. CriticalResist 0

I can tell you one thing: if the land in California had been under Native stewardship, the fires would not be destroying thousands of acres, countless homes, and causing the suffering we are all witnessing at this moment.

A Decolonial Manifesto

January 7, 2025 Cde. J. Katsfoter 1

For us to bring about the revolution in the imperial centers we must not only combat the powerful forces of the enemy state, but also their auxiliaries, the pure revolutionists, who insist on ignoring all existing conditions.

The Settler J. Sykes and the FRSO

January 3, 2025 Cde. Winter 2

Leading Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) theoretician J. Sykes purports to refute the theory that the United States is a settler-colonial nation. The piece is, to put it bluntly, intellectually lazy and starts from an unfounded conclusion and works backwards to justify it, setting up strawman opponents and dressing up a shallow and flawed analysis in Mao quotes to do so.

Colonizer “Communism” in the FRSO

December 17, 2024 Cde. Peter 1

The failure of the Communist movement to contend with the realities of gender emancipation and national liberation are critical errors of the past century of struggle. As such, it is absolutely critical for Communist organizations in this country to put forward a comprehensive and complete understanding of these concepts if they hope to be successful.