Settlers Set the World on Fire

January 26, 2025 Cde. CriticalResist 0

I can tell you one thing: if the land in California had been under Native stewardship, the fires would not be destroying thousands of acres, countless homes, and causing the suffering we are all witnessing at this moment.

First Comes Smoke

January 23, 2025 Cde. Thorn 0

Such are the conditions at the Red Onion prison. Suffering intolerable abuse, beaten away from legal means, and exiled for peaceful protest, men are now setting themselves on fire.

The Settler J. Sykes and the FRSO

January 3, 2025 Cde. Winter 2

Leading Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) theoretician J. Sykes purports to refute the theory that the United States is a settler-colonial nation. The piece is, to put it bluntly, intellectually lazy and starts from an unfounded conclusion and works backwards to justify it, setting up strawman opponents and dressing up a shallow and flawed analysis in Mao quotes to do so.

Colonizer “Communism” in the FRSO

December 17, 2024 Cde. Peter 1

The failure of the Communist movement to contend with the realities of gender emancipation and national liberation are critical errors of the past century of struggle. As such, it is absolutely critical for Communist organizations in this country to put forward a comprehensive and complete understanding of these concepts if they hope to be successful.

Uncommitted: A Lesson in Counterinsurgency

November 22, 2024 Cde. Oak 0

What began as mass protest against Palestinian genocide was mangled into yet another voting funnel for the Blue Fascist party. Uncommitted’s downfall provides a valuable lesson: “independent” movements will inevitably be hijacked by opportunists when they operate within bourgeois elections.

What’s Next?

November 17, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

To the great masses of people all around the world, we are the bad guys. We can’t afford to lie to ourselves anymore. We have to wake up.

The Seat of Power in the Imperial Core

November 14, 2024 Cde. CriticalResist 0

If we don’t want this genocide in Palestine to succeed, if we don’t want to send a message that genocide is tolerated and will happen with our silence from now on, if we don’t want genocide to the be new normal — then we must act!