Baltimore Student Union Responds to City’s Brazen Hostility
On May 26th, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott imposed a curfew. The Baltimore Student Union has submitted the following response.
On May 26th, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott imposed a curfew. The Baltimore Student Union has submitted the following response.
What is it like in the warehouse? The mood is somber and depressed. We joke daily about suicide: “Maybe I’ll jump off the Mod.”
The left-fascists still cling to a form of bourgeois democracy, but increasingly the right-fascists have determined that even the shreds of participation in government that have been won over the past century and a half are too dangerous to the ruling class. This is a naked, undisguised attack on democratic participation in government.
Speakers from teachers’ unions, faith organizations, and care-workers’ unions took the podium to air their frustrations with a government that refuses to hear the cries of a suffering public.
A lieutenant of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has been charged with multiple counts, under federal and municipal law, of obstructing justice, perjury, and leaking classified police information. The charges all relate to Lt. Shane Lammond’s longstanding acquaintanceship and collaboration with Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys, a fascist civilian paramilitary militia.
U.S. capitalism is rotting. We can smell the decay on the air. We can see it in the stale and joyless advertisements, the collapse of banks bidding heavily on speculative […]
In North Carolina, the veto-proof supermajority of GOP lawmakers sent their Senate Bill 20 — an outright bar on abortions after 12 weeks and a ban on medication-induced abortions after 10 weeks — to the desk of their governor, Democrat Roy Cooper.
The fear that those redlined into crumbling apartment blocks, thrown into prisons and jails without remorse or pretense of justice, deprived of legitimate economic opportunities, shunted into under-funded schools, and driven into the lowest, most menial ranks of the U.S. workforce — might dare to rise up against those people who put them there.
How are working people expected to “stay home when sick” when they can barely afford to put food on the table as it is?
A federal jury returned a verdict of liable for the arch-reactionary Donald Trump. This verdict comes even as the right-fascist Trump machine gears up for the 2024 imperial elections.
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