Photo of hospital IV drip

Drug Shortages, Profit Motive, and Crisis

July 15, 2023 Cde. Vinz 0

The only true solution to the problem of drug shortages, one that does not rely on market Band-aids, is to move healthcare from a for-profit system to a for-need system, and the only way to do that is to fully socialize healthcare.

Board showing logos of various corporations, such as Equifax and Wells Fargo, invested in the construction of Cop City.

Capital is the Mayor of Cop City

July 1, 2023 Anonymous Contributor 0

The new city council was touted to be younger and more “ideologically progressive” than previous iterations. But the vote tally in favor of doubling funding for Cop City was 11-4, with eight of the eleven being Democrats. Once again, the fascist ideology of capitalism has held firm thanks to its stabilizing left wing, the Democratic Party.