Police Protect Property from the Miracle of Birth

March 11, 2025 Cde. Provos 0

To ensure an intrusive and dangerous condition such as pregnancy is suffered through, the capitalists clutch offended at the pearls of morality. However, should a newborn’s single bloody toe risk staining the capitalist’s true divine entity, property, the hammer of the state will smash you to bits.

The U.S. Precariat Under Fire

February 26, 2025 Cde. SJ 0

The role of the immigrant worker in the United States today is that of the lowest laboring class. Almost always paid under the going rate — or the legal rate — the immigrant worker struggles and sweats everywhere there is work the settler class would rather not do themselves.

The Fascist Playbook

February 6, 2025 Cde. SJ 0

The message being sent is loud and clear: this is the way things will be, and these are the consequences for those who don’t obey.

Settlers Set the World on Fire

January 26, 2025 Cde. CriticalResist 0

I can tell you one thing: if the land in California had been under Native stewardship, the fires would not be destroying thousands of acres, countless homes, and causing the suffering we are all witnessing at this moment.

First Comes Smoke

January 23, 2025 Cde. Thorn 0

Such are the conditions at the Red Onion prison. Suffering intolerable abuse, beaten away from legal means, and exiled for peaceful protest, men are now setting themselves on fire.