Against CPUSA’s Colonizer “Communism”

June 14, 2024 Cde. Peter 2

Amid movement-wide confusion and CPUSA mystification of the “primary contradiction” within the U.S. Empire, now more than ever we need to clearly understand why settler colonialism is the principal contradiction in need of being addressed.

The Hague Will Not Absolve You

June 10, 2024 Cde. Wrath 0

It is not enough to cry “Free Palestine” in a march or a protest. Your job isn’t done now that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pigs Riot at U.C. Irvine

May 16, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

On May 15 a pig army ran rampant at California’s UC Irvine…. $32 billion USD of the UC Irvine endowment is invested in zionist-allied or zionist-operated companies. This money supports the continued existence of the zionist state.

Black and white photo of Ronald Reagan being pulled across the White House lawn by a leashed dog while standing next to Nancy Reagan

The Short Leash

May 14, 2024 Cde. Thorn 0

On May 5, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu closed all Al-Jazeera offices within the zionist occupied territories. It had been voted unanimously by his cabinet, and announced through Twitter. This is capitalist freedom.

Black and white photograph featuring a woman in a white sweater raising a power fist while marching in the May '68 protests on a tree-lined street

Seize the Summer!

May 13, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 1

Slowing down and reassessing the movement, taking time to build a more militant, developed, structured movement with a broader base in the wider labor struggle, and preparing for a resumed offensive in August and September may actually be a hidden benefit of this current ebb.