The State of Georgia Proclaims Itself an Enemy of the Working Class
The “cogs” in the machine are not “just doing their jobs” any more than the agents of Hitler were merely following orders. This is no defense.... Read more.
The Two Faces of Fascism
Communism is merely a stalking horse. By the time the left wing of the bourgeois camp wakes up to the danger, it will already be too late.... Read more.
Revolutionary History: The Commune is Dead — Long Live the Commune!
152 years ago, the city of Paris threw off the shackles of the reactionary government of France and repudiated the conservative political order.... Read more.
North Carolina Supreme Court Crushes Democratic Voting Rights
The left-fascists still cling to a form of bourgeois democracy, but increasingly the right-fascists have determined that even the shreds of participation in government... Read more.
The Vanishing Workers of Florida
U.S. capitalism is rotting. We can smell the decay on the air. We can see it in the stale and joyless advertisements, the collapse of banks bidding heavily on speculative... Read more.
Governor’s Symbolic Veto of North Carolina Abortion Ban Merely Buys Time
In North Carolina, the veto-proof supermajority of GOP lawmakers sent their Senate Bill 20 — an outright bar on abortions after 12 weeks and a ban on medication-induced... Read more.
The Murder of Jordan Neely: White Deputization and “Frontier Justice”
The fear that those redlined into crumbling apartment blocks, thrown into prisons and jails without remorse or pretense of justice, deprived of legitimate economic... Read more.
Jury Finds Arch-Reactionary Trump Liable for Abuse, Defamation
A federal jury returned a verdict of liable for the arch-reactionary Donald Trump. This verdict comes even as the right-fascist Trump machine gears up for the 2024... Read more.
Enemy of the People: Jim Walton
Jim, like all his siblings, and like his father before him, is steeped in blood and cloaked in the stolen hours of his 2.1 million Walmart retail associates. If... Read more.
Press Release: Wrongfully Accused and Exonerated University Employee Launches American Justice Project to Expose and Rectify Inequities in the Justice System
The American Justice Project (AJP), a newly launched nonprofit, vows to disrupt abuses of power that have stolen the lives and liberty of so many already marginalized... Read more.