The Cruelty Is the Point

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As imperial garrison police brutally beat down another anti-genocide protest, the media is hard at work churning out propaganda to convince us that Kamala Harris, the second-in-command to Genocidaire-in-Chief Joe Biden, is the “progressive” electoral candidate. A notoriously brutal state prosecutor, “Top Cop” Harris is selling her campaign on “diversity” and “worker’s rights,” albeit without anything resembling a platform or actual policy statements — thus far this is a “vibes only” campaign.  

You are now expected to sit down and shut up about real issues and wait patiently for another five months so Harris can get into office and “start making changes.” Never mind that she’s already in office as the Vice President, never mind that this means at minimum another five months of unrelenting horrors. If you dare to demand an end to the new Holocaust you’re “helping Trump” who will surely be even worse, somehow. Speaking out against the genocide is now, incredibly, considered counterproductive for the cause of ending it. Harris might end the genocide, you see, and Trump surely will not, so getting her into office is our top priority now! You simply must stop protesting the ongoing genocide, or you’re helping Trump commit theoretical genocide! It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so deeply sick. 

With Tim Walz as her pick for Vice President, Harris has catapulted herself from a miserable failure of a former presidential candidate to the darling of the so-called “progressive left” movement. The genius of the imperial propaganda machine can’t be denied. Feeling the pressure of mounting discontent towards the savagery of the Palestinian genocide, the empire has reinvigorated mass support for its campaign of inhuman butchery by dangling the carrot of “progressive” legislation in front of our noses yet again, with the ever present stick of Trump threatening us if we fail to obey. 

Walz’s speeches to voters play off his history of supporting the rights of the empire’s workers. Before a cheering crowd of UAW workers, Walz declares that Harris will stand up for collectivized labor and stick it to the “transnational gangs” and the “billionaires and corporate greed.” Harris smiles behind him. The irony of this declaration being made on behalf of a multimillionaire who is presently committing the most heinous crimes against humanity at the behest of those very same billionaires appears entirely lost on the crowd.

Who is Tim Walz? It should hardly matter at this point which lackey of empire is placed at the helm of the extermination machine, but this man in particular deserves a closer investigation, which may reveal some insights into what the hell is actually going on here. As governor of Minnesota, Walz has made a name for himself as one of the last holdouts of the bygone age of American “social democracy.” A proponent of raising the minimum wage, police accountability, workplace safety, welfare expansion, gun control, and cannabis legalization; and an opponent to corporate bailouts, the war on Iraq, and conversion therapy, Walz truly is the squeaky clean “progressive” that the Democratic voter base have been begging for since time immemorial. He’s stood on picket lines, started a Gay Straight Alliance when he was a school sports coach, and even wrote his master’s thesis on Holocaust education. What else is there to even say? He’s a “progressive” dream come true!


Walz is of course an ardent zionist. This should hardly come as a surprise at this point, with the Biden regime’s uncompromising commitment to assisting the zionist entity’s campaign of slaughter in every way it possibly can, including purging the Democratic Party of all anti-zionist speech. Somehow however the promise of a potential taste of “progressive” legislation at long last has led much of the so-called “progressive left” movement to simply ignore this uncomfortable and inconvenient fact. And make no mistake, Walz is as deeply and enthusiastically committed to his zionism as the next murderous imperialist ghoul. He has personally met with Netanyahu in the past, repeatedly voted in favor of the zionist entity during his stint in the House, and went as far as to vote against a U.N. resolution affirming that zionist settlements in the West Bank are illegal. But what’s a little “international law” and “settler-colonial ethnic cleansing” anyway? Look at everything he’s done for Minnesota! 

He has of course made excuses for his zionism: “You can hold competing things: That Israel has the right to defend itself, and the atrocities of October 7 are unacceptable, but Palestinian civilians being caught in this… has got to end.” This empty genocide denial and apologism is apparently sufficient to brush the issue under the rug for most so-called “progressives.” For anyone taking the matter seriously however, the problems should be quite clear already. 

Remember that master’s thesis on Holocaust education? Titled “Improving Human Rights and Genocide Studies in the American High School Classroom,” it argues that the Holocaust inflicted on the Jewish people by Nazi Germany was not unique in the grand scheme of history, and should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote. This all sounds very good. It is in fact, an essential perspective for properly understanding how and why genocides happen. It appears difficult to square this with his history of Zionism. Or is it?

On June 2, just shy of eight months into the ongoing genocide against Palestine, Walz spoke at the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC). In addition to his typical laundering of the genocide, the unambiguous condemnation of the “terrorism” of the Resistance, and the crocodile tears about how “unsafe” Jewish students supposedly felt at the campus protests against the genocide, he had the following to say:

“We need to do better on Holocaust education. We need to do better on ethnic studies. And I tell you this as a teacher and as governor, too. We don’t need test scores or anything to tell that we’re failing. People’s misunderstanding of what’s happening or what has happened in the Middle East is just stunning in many cases. And I think that lack of information, that lack of knowledge and the way people throw around certain terms or seem to try and rewrite history, it’s apparent to me that… we have got to educate, especially our young people, about the true story. We have to make sure they know.  

And as so many of you know, this is a really interesting study in this, especially at this time, we passed the law — but who writes the curriculum is gonna be really, really important. So to make sure — and JCRC being there — making sure we’re held accountable, that this curriculum is correct and how it’s being delivered is done right.”

Here is a man who studied genocide and wrote a master’s thesis on how it happens and how to teach this to people. He knows what “israel” is doing, and he knows what he is doing. By this point on June 2 he had watched eight months of babies starving to death, eight months of innocent children shredded by bombs, and then went on stage to spout this horrific rhetoric. He is weaponizing his education and his position as an educator and legislator to whitewash the genocidal crimes of the zionist entity and make pro-zionist genocide propaganda a feature of Minnesota’s educational system. This is grotesque and inhuman on what should be an almost inconceivable level, if only we hadn’t witnessed nearly a year straight of this kind of bald-faced arrogant hypocrisy from every imperial media outlet.

One thing is clear from this. Walz is not a friend to the working class. And he is not even trying to hide this fact. It’s no coincidence that after ten months of daily atrocities the empire is, for the first time in decades, putting a “social democratic progressive” on the campaign trail. Walz is offering everything the “progressive” movement has ever dreamed of (or at least a vague gesture towards such, which appears to be more than sufficient), if only they will agree to one little compromise. Open complicity.

Harris and Walz are not going to put an end to this genocide. Nobody in the imperial administration is. Anyone who believes this after ten straight months of lies about Resistance “terrorism,” lies about October 7th “mass rapes,” lies about ceasefires, lies about the “aid pier” (which was used once to commit a massacre and then quickly dismantled and forgotten about), lies about stopping weapons shipments, and lies about the upstanding morality of the IOF, is quite plainly living in a fantasy. 

They’re hardly pretending to care anymore. Biden just signed off on another $20 billion weapons shipment, and Harris has openly rejected issuing an arms embargo against “israel.” Both Harris and Walz have been clear on their commitment to the zionist entity’s “right to defend itself” and they will continue to support that “right” to torture, rape, and butcher Palestinian men, women, children, and babies, on an indefinite basis. They know that you know what’s really going on, and that’s the point. The cruelty is the point. 

The empire is building more than 90 “cop city” counterinsurgency training camps domestically while its people grow ever more discontent, its global power slips, and its finance system and the world climate both teeter on the brink of catastrophic collapse. The empire wants the whole world watching in stunned horror as it commits unspeakable atrocity after unspeakable atrocity, because then the whole world knows exactly what fate awaits them if they dare step out of line. Every dismembered child and starved skeletal infant is a brutal message to you and me and everyone else on this Earth what the empire is willing to do to those who assert their humanity and attempt to break free of its near universal enslavement of our world. 

Walz offers you a way out: Just accept that this is normal and everything will be okay for you. Like everything else, it’s a lie, one which will likely be fatal for those who buy it. But the empire doesn’t have the final say in the matter, and its depraved cruelty belies a deeper reality. 

The true underlying message of all of this is that the empire is afraid of us.


  • Comrade Winter is a factory worker in the imperial core. Dispossessed of their national heritage by colonial genocide, they began studying Marxism out of a sense of duty to do whatever is necessary to free their children and all others from the brutality of capitalist oppression. Their main interests are history, economy, and scientific socialism.

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