Painting: at the bottom, small silhouettes of people run leftward towards a luminous red circle in the sky, with rays of gold rising from below and casting inky blue shadows beyond the objects in the sky. The in the center are two small pale circles, and to the upper right we see part of a large gold moon.

Revolution in Our Lifetime

March 6, 2024 Liath 1

Lead the masses where they want to go: into direct, forceful confrontation with the people and institutions prosecuting this genocide.

Plague Rat in Chief

April 19, 2023 Cde. Dremel 0

With the end of the public health emergency comes the end of any state-coordinated resistance. Uninsured testing is over. Surveillance of new cases, variants, and deaths is over.

The Ruling Class Speaks

February 21, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

So, we have our outline for the final period of the Biden presidency: war, on every front; with enemies foreign and domestic, and between the ruling class and the working classes but with a concomitant peace: peace between the fractious and rebellious groups within the bourgeois ruling class, so they can present a united front. Well, let him draw his sword. We are forging ours.

Let Them Eat Plague!

January 9, 2023 Cde. Dremel 106

The pandemic is not over. It’s much worse than you’ve been led to believe. And unless you’ve spent the past several years reading scientific studies on the subject, it can be hard to convey just how wrong the public perception of COVID really is. Everything from how it’s spread, to how it’s prevented, to what it does once it’s in your body, is being tragically misunderstood.