SCOTUS Vision: Debtors’ Prison

July 2, 2024 Cde. J. Katsfoter 1

All the lackeys of law and order, all the petty bourgeois strivers and graspers, all the pigs and their captains, all the fascist forces of the Western United States, put their names on the petition begging for Martin to be overturned. The Roberts court was only too happy to oblige.

North Carolina Supreme Court Crushes Democratic Voting Rights

May 24, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

The left-fascists still cling to a form of bourgeois democracy, but increasingly the right-fascists have determined that even the shreds of participation in government that have been won over the past century and a half are too dangerous to the ruling class. This is a naked, undisguised attack on democratic participation in government.