Our Little Hitler, Our RFK

RFK angrily brandishing a finger as he gives a speech this past July.
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at a House hearing - Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

The 2024 U.S. presidential elections are coming. Every four years, the ruling classes of the U.S. Empire determine their general strategy and tactics by selecting, through an arcane and elitist process, the chief executive officer of the empire. Normally, the bourgeois political parties engage in a brutal, backbiting process of glad-handing to cut down the competition to a single candidate who will represent that clique of the bourgeoisie and their political apparatus. However, from time to time misalignments and malfunctions within those parties result in a breakdown of this normal process, subdividing the bourgeoisie, the political class, or both, into a majority group and a minority group — shattering their very weak political discipline. This threatens the legitimacy of the bourgeois state in the eyes of the other classes and sometimes allows the other party, the one which is not suffering a crisis of discipline, to carry the day. Throughout its history, the U.S. Empire has usually had a fairly united ruling class. Elections to the presidency have, going back to the foundation of the settler-republic, mostly been uncontested or held between candidates with only superficially different platforms. Throughout the 20th century, contested elections became more common, and have finally culminated in the series of crises that erupted in 2016 and continuously plague the bourgeois state today. We expect these crises to continue into 2024.

Our paper has already covered the candidacy of Cornel West, a liberal on the left wing of the major parties who is masquerading as a socialist. Today we will address our homegrown American Hitlerite, Robert F. Kennedy Junior. This towering clay-faced gargoyle straight from central casting has arisen to represent the disaffected but unconscious labor aristocracy and petit-bourgeoisie. He is the vomit, the detritus, thrown up by the impending collapse of the political system, by its failure to address the most pressing needs of the great masses of people, by its tottering illegitimacy, and by the two-party system’s failure to suppress the roughly one-quarter of each party’s constituency who despise their own party’s political orthodoxy.

Should RFK’s candidacy fuse with the bourgeois monster, the extreme right head of the fascist hydra that is even now stirring and drawing up plots to become the only head of that horrific abomination, he will graduate from a historical curiosity, a Hitler-in-miniature, to a full fledged fascist demagogue. As his campaign continues, he professes a more-and-more open dedication to Nazi ideology — on July 28 of this year, his official Twitter account tweeted out that he had tried to seek Secret Service protection: “Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days. After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.” This, of course, is a reference to the popular white supremacist “numerical code” 1488, which is short for the 14 words (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”) and the 8th letter of the alphabet (“H”) twice, for “Heil Hitler.” It should universally raise alarm when a potential presidential candidate openly employs the slogan of David Lane, who was one of America’s most infamous and successful Neonazi terrorists.

The policies this ornate gutter spout of a politician professes to support amount to little more than a grab-bag of reactionary positions masquerading as vague anti-establishmentarianism. Even his otherwise-correct positions are arrived at not through the application of consistent principles, but rather as a stopped clock accidentally displays the correct time twice a day.

The best known of the Kennedy rainspout’s positions is a firm commitment to various pseudoscientific conspiracy theories regarding vaccines, Wi-Fi, and COVID-19. He has also denied the well-demonstrated medical connection between HIV and AIDS, and parroted the “chemicals are turning the frogs gay” conspiracy, which falsely connects gender dysphoria to endocrine disruptors in the groundwater.

Economically, he is purely reactionary. He warns of “corporate feudalism” and rhetorically champions the break-up of big businesses and programs to help “small and medium businesses.” In other words, a literal return to the small production that created Hitler’s popularity among Germany’s small business owners and artisans in the 20s and 30s! This is the economic core of his political program, and it explains his appeal to reactionary petit-bourgeoisie professionals, smallholders, and so forth, and their ideologically similar stratum of the labor aristocracy. De-classed proletarians and sub-proletarians in the rearguard of their class may also rally behind him. Our little Hitler, if he can muster any popular energy, will ride this tide of discontent.

He is an advocate, like the fascist ideologues of the past, of class peace. “There is a growing coalition in this country,” he told UnHerd magazine, “of populist forces, on the Left and Right, that are convening now and finding common ground. And I think that really is probably the only thing that’s going to rescue American democracy.” In the same interview he decries the “financial industry” and bemoans the vanishing middle class. Identical language was used by the Strasser brothers, who were early leaders of the Nazi party, when they spoke of, “breaking the shackles of finance capital.”

His position on the environment — which one would expect to be developed and complex (he was an environmental lawyer) — is little different from that espoused by the Nazi ideologists. Like Richard Walther Darré, the Reichsminister of Food and Agriculture who popularized the Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil,” RFK Jr. advocates for the “soulless nationless oil companies” to be dissolved as “enemies of mankind.” Which mankind? RFK believes that the U.S. imperial government and the People’s Republic of China are engaged in a secret arms race to produce ethnically-targeted diseases. Which ethnicities does he think they intend to target? The political category, “Caucasians,” which isn’t even an ethnicity in the context of RFK’s usage of the term! He’s on tape asking why COVID-19 doesn’t affect Jews or Chinese people to the same degree that it affects “Caucasians” when there is ample evidence to demonstrate it does. However, like any conspirator with an agenda, he’s quick to dismiss any science that doesn’t support his views.

 “In the face of the very real dislocations brought on by the triumph of industrial capitalism and national unification, volkisch thinkers preached a return to the land, to the simplicity and wholeness of a life attuned to nature’s purity,” wrote historian Peter Staudenmaier in Fascist Ecology: The ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents. In an interview with Tablet Magazine, RFK made another typical Hitlerite statement: “[9/11] was also the beginning of the biosecurity state, which is a more potent enemy to justify this huge diversion of a big slice of our GDP to the same people, the intelligence agencies, the military agencies, and the associated industries, including the pharmaceutical industry…. They now control the media…. If you look at Anderson Cooper, he is not working for CNN; he’s working for Pfizer.” It’s apparent that RFK Jr. shares the same antimodernism and embrace of hokum as the original Nazis, and other fascist thinkers such as Julius Evola. 

Yet another commonality RFK Jr. shares with the Hitlerites of old is his ardent support of Zionism. “[O]ne of the primary themes of this campaign is to bring the Democratic Party back to its traditional support for Israel,” he’s on record as saying. “There’s nobody who is running for president today who is a stronger champion for Israel than myself.” Does this put him at variance with his Hiterlite forebears? Not at all. “[A]fter Hitler’s taking of power in Germany, when all anti-fascist forces in the world and the great majority of the Jewish organizations proclaimed a boycott against Nazi Germany, contacts and collaboration existed between Zionist leaders and the Hitlerite government,” reported a 1969 information bulletin of the Communist Party of Israel. Fascists, like Zionists, believe in unscientific racial theories and generalizations like “national character” (Volkstum). The colonizing terrorism enacted by Zionist settlers in Palestine is indistinguishable from the Nazi doctrine of Lebensraum. These are theories RFK also appears to put stock in, based on the various conspiracies he endorses. In 1937, Alfred Rosenberg, the chief ideologue of the Nazis, wrote: “Zionism must be vigorously supported so that a certain number of German Jews is transported annually to Palestine or at least made to leave the country.”

This is the man being pushed by the mouthpieces of the bourgeoisie’s extreme right elements like Joe Rogan, himself a sad caricature of Evola. This is RFK Jr. — our little Hitler.
