Columbia University Students Continue to Clash With Capital

April 28, 2024 Cde. Wrath 0

The students came prepared, equipped with tents and provisions. Their goal is to hold the space until the University met their demands regarding the institution’s complicity in the ongoing U.S.-backed genocide of Palestine – not a radical goal, by any means, but one which may be escalated in future days.

Painting: at the bottom, small silhouettes of people run leftward towards a luminous red circle in the sky, with rays of gold rising from below and casting inky blue shadows beyond the objects in the sky. The in the center are two small pale circles, and to the upper right we see part of a large gold moon.

Revolution in Our Lifetime

March 6, 2024 Liath 1

Lead the masses where they want to go: into direct, forceful confrontation with the people and institutions prosecuting this genocide.