You Can’t Vote Against Fascism

May 24, 2024 Cde-Editor Myrrh 2

Ahead of the 2024 Convention, CPUSA is split on two important quesitons: What is fascism? Is fascism already here? Cde-Editor Myrrh examines a woefully inadequate attempt by a party member to answer these questions.

Pigs Riot at U.C. Irvine

May 16, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

On May 15 a pig army ran rampant at California’s UC Irvine…. $32 billion USD of the UC Irvine endowment is invested in zionist-allied or zionist-operated companies. This money supports the continued existence of the zionist state.

How to Retreat

May 4, 2024 Cde-Editor Hudson 2

Only one thing will do: not to die, but to live; not to be held in jail, but to escape and be free; not to be a lone voice crying out, but to be the organizer of a vast chorus.

The Night of the Ram

May 1, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

Tonight is the night of the ram and the truncheon. The arm swinging it wears a Democratic Party armband. Push just a little against the ruling class, and they will band together in a slavering mass of ghouls and devils. We see you; the students and the workers see you.