The Ruling Class Speaks

February 21, 2023 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

So, we have our outline for the final period of the Biden presidency: war, on every front; with enemies foreign and domestic, and between the ruling class and the working classes but with a concomitant peace: peace between the fractious and rebellious groups within the bourgeois ruling class, so they can present a united front. Well, let him draw his sword. We are forging ours.

Grieve, but Act!

February 3, 2023 Cde. B. S. M. 0

Tyre Nichols died on January 10, 2023, after three days spent in critical condition following his brutal beating at the hands of the Memphis Police Department. One view on Nichols’ […]

Terror in Memphis, the Police and the People

January 31, 2023 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

“Killer cops aren’t the exception and they aren’t “the bad apple that spoils the bunch.” They are the intended outcome of the policy that unleashes stormtroopers in blue on the streets of every poor and majority-Black neighborhood in every city.

The Enemy State is Wavering

January 29, 2023 Cde. Mazal 1

The enemy state is desperately seeking new stratagems, new maneuvers and ploys by which they might deceive, distract, and assuage the righteous fury of the oppressed masses.

Consider the Egg

January 24, 2023 Cde. Dremel 0

Every aspect of the economy is governed by the profit motive, which demands efficiency over resilience. Each dollar spent on redundancy, safety, and minimizing environmental impact is a dollar given up to competitors. An egg company which wants to avoid avian flu outbreaks would need to invest much more into facilities that do not force chickens into hazardous conditions, putting them at a massive market disadvantage compared to their amoral competitors.

Another Killed By Police Terror

January 20, 2023 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 2

Keenan Anderson was 31 years old when the LAPD tased him to death. He was a beloved 10th grade schoolteacher at Digital Pioneers Academy, a Washington D.C. charter school. He leaves a 6-year-old son and a grieving family. His cousin, Patrisse Cullors, is one of the co-founders of Black Lives Matter, and she now faces what many Black organizers must face in this country: the murder of one of their own family members by the enemy state’s police force. Did the LAPD know who he was when they tased him over and over? We don’t yet know. Whether this was a revenge killing carried out by U.S. domestic stormtroopers or yet another unmotivated execution designed to keep the population compliant, the fact is that LAPD sent 50,000 volts at 3.6 milli-amps of current pouring through Keenan Anderson’s body. They electrocuted his heart.

White Terror in Atlanta: Stop Cop City

January 13, 2023 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 4

The main product of the APD is White Terror. In revolutionary terms, white is the color of reaction and reactionaries. It was the color of the Bourbon kings in France and was taken up by monarchists across Europe. In the U.S. Empire, white is the color of the reactionary movement by a kind of metaphorical coincidence: here, the White Terror doesn’t represent the terror of monarchs and their nobility revenging themselves on the working people. We’ve never had formal nobility. Here, the White Terror is the terror of the settler-garrisons, the constant fear the ruling classes want to exert on the oppressed nations that they might be surveilled, arrested, questioned, jailed, or murdered at any moment. The police are the agents of the White Terror. It is what they’re paid to make, more so even than the arrests and “crime-stopping” power of prosecution, they exist to terrify and subdue. They are an alien, occupying army, encamped in the heart of every community.