Columbia University Students Continue to Clash With Capital

April 28, 2024 Cde. Wrath 0

The students came prepared, equipped with tents and provisions. Their goal is to hold the space until the University met their demands regarding the institution’s complicity in the ongoing U.S.-backed genocide of Palestine – not a radical goal, by any means, but one which may be escalated in future days.

Connecticut Struggle Against White Supremacists Reaches Rocky Hill, Hamden, New Haven

April 28, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

Rocky Hill is calling for organized, united anti-fascist action! — not only an action for one afternoon, but persistent resistance against NSC-131 and all other fascist militia encroachments. We must fight back, not only today, and not only tomorrow, but day after day, week after week, and year after year. Only then, only in unity, will we find the strength to forcibly expel the fascists from our communities, once and for all.