A cartoon image of a crane holding a construction sign that says ORGANIZE, followed by the words "within the DSA!"

Organize Within the DSA!

April 12, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

It is exceedingly easy to apply a mechanical analysis to the DSA and dismiss the “party” without a second thought – but we are not in the third period and the DSA is not the SDP.

A crowd of workers and peasants, drawn in a line-drawing style, surround a figure with hands upraised as the sun shines behind them. The words BATTLE LINES are written across the image.

Battle Lines

April 5, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 5

Who are our friends? Who are our enemies? These are questions that it is critical for us to answer in order to advance our movement.

The letters IMT and a hammer and sickle in white on a red background

The Cult-Building Tendency

April 2, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 3

This is the essence of the cult-form: in order to extract labor and money from its membership, commit abuses with impunity, and maintain absolute control over the money and labor lodged in the organization and its members, the leadership must maintain absolute control and block all avenues of accountability.

Black and white photograph of a full auditorium from the rostrum; a sign reads BUILD THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


March 15, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

We have to stop and take stock of what’s going on: the how, the why, and what can be done to change the direction of the movement.