Enough of Justice!

August 24, 2024 Cde-Editor Katsfoter 0

One of the tools that we have inherited from social-revolutionary movements of the past century, one of the tools that can help us build the party and prevent the structural decay that has afflicted all other party-building efforts in the imperial West, is that of self-and-community criticism.

Killer Kamala Harris Is an Enemy of the People

August 21, 2024 Cde. Sylveste 0

Harris claims to be a progressive, but she has the record of a brutal reactionary. She pretends that her campaign is about smashing glass ceilings and empowering women and people of color, but she has made a career of oppressing women and Black people, and is directly involved in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.

The Cruelty Is the Point

August 19, 2024 Cde. Winter 0

Both Harris and Walz have been clear on their commitment to the zionist entity’s “right to defend itself” and they will continue to support that “right” to torture, rape, and butcher Palestinian men, women, children, and babies, on an indefinite basis.

Struggle Is Not Stagnation

August 15, 2024 Cde. Peter 0

It is necessary to resolve or reconcile contradictions between members, because their resolution is motion. However, there are some contradictions that are irreconcilable.