Estimated reading time: 29 minutes
The Al Aqsa Flood has reached its 335th day. The Al Aqsa Flood came as a response to the zionist crimes committed against the Palestinian people ever since 1917. Since then, the zionist entity that calls itself “israel” has embarked upon a campaign of genocide, seeking to eliminate all Palestinians in Gaza and beyond, and then settle the land themselves, in an ever-growing settler colonial project. A report released by the Lancet on July 5th, 2024 provided a conservative estimate of 186,000 murdered Palestinians, or 7–9% of Gaza’s total population. They were all killed by the zionist entity.
The scenes that come out of Gaza and out of Lebanon are horrifying. Children are beheaded in zionist airstrikes, corpses lay strewn across the dirt, burned beyond recognition. People sleeping in tents are bombed, entire buildings are leveled, its occupants to be buried under the rubble. Men, women, and children have not been spared. Children cry out for their parents that have been killed. Parents mourn the murder of their children. Aid workers, journalists, doctors, charity workers — none are spared the brutal violence the zionists inflict upon the people they have dehumanized and view as enemies.
Despite this relentless campaign of genocide, it becomes more and more clear with each passing day that October 7th started the countdown to the death of the zionist entity.
The Palestinian Front
Since October 7th, the zionist military has effectively reduced much of Gaza to rubble, bombing civilians and destroying houses, hospitals, and schools, they routinely show themselves to be impotent and incompetent in actual combat. The Palestinian Resistance circulates videos from Gaza daily, showing their heroic confrontations with the occupation army.
Zionist soldiers have become notorious for their fear of being up close and personal with the Palestinians they brutalize, and this cowardice has led to their army utilizing pathetic and embarrassing tactics within Gaza. Tanks running through rubble without infantry support are often damaged and destroyed by death-defying Palestinian ambushes. Palestinian snipers with homemade rifles snipe scores of oblivious zionist military officers. Resistance rockets annihilate cowardly troops huddled in ruined buildings. Gaza is this century’s Stalingrad, and everyone knows how that fight ended for the fascist invaders.
In the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian people, steadfast with those in Gaza and facing a horrifying zionist military occupation have taken up arms in defense of their people. While the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) continues its role as nothing more than a comprador regime, the resistance organizations inside of the West Bank have been fighting back. Armed clashes and IED attacks are commonplace, particularly around Jenin.
The zionist entity has tried its hardest to hide the losses it has taken during its campaign of genocide. Reports leak out of funerals taking place daily which the zionist entity is eager to ignore and downplay. However, the zionist entity has for months complained about manpower shortages and, as of June this year, the zionist entity’s high court voted unanimously to begin conscription of the Orthodox Jewish community, a community which previously was exempt from mandatory military service, while also calling up for women to be incorporated into the armored corps.
Furthermore, the IOF has complained about a shortage in tanks and ammunition, with many tanks having been destroyed or damaged in Gaza. A damaged tank is a tank unfit for combat until it is repaired and the necessary parts to repair them are also in short supply, as are bulldozers and armored personnel carriers.
In comparison to this, it has come out via a report in CNN that out of the 24 battalions of which CNN claims Hamas possessed before October 7th, only 3 have been destroyed by the zionist entity. The zionists, when faced with an enemy that can fight back, are shown to be toothless. Of course we need not rely on CNN for this information. CNN along with all other Western media outlets have always done their best to provide propaganda cover to the zionist entity and to whitewash their genocide. The Palestinian resistance, via spokesmen such as Abu Obaida, have told us that Hamas is still fully combat ready and engaging zionist forces across the Gaza strip. The resistance does not lie, they have not lied. We can trust their words as their actions continue to prove steady capacity to fight. We must also remember that this report by CNN launders zionist lies such as the supposed killing or capture of 14,000 Hamas fighters. The zionist entity labels everyone Hamas. They make no distinction between civilian and soldier. What we do know for certain is that everyday the Palestinian resistance confronts the zionist entity and with each confrontation, the zionist entity is exposed as a paper tiger.
The Northern Front
The zionist entity has also suffered casualties along Palestine’s northern border with Lebanon. The war being fought between Hezbollah and the zionist entity is one that, once again, the zionist entity is trying to downplay. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has claimed that the enemy has suffered over 1,000 deaths and many more wounded since Hezbollah began its attacks in support of the Palestinian people. The northern front has further tied down thousands of zionist troops and their associated equipment that would have otherwise gone to Gaza, relieving pressure on the resistance there.
The northern front has done more than just deplete the manpower and equipment of the zionist entity. Over 100,000 settlers are now internal refugees as Hezbollah continues to dominate in the north and dictate the battlefield. Northern occupied Palestine is now a deadzone where the zionists can no longer exert their influence. Hezbollah has exposed that the occupation army’s prestige as an unstoppable, elite force is nothing but a lie.
As previously mentioned, the northern front has created 100,000 internal zionist refugees, displaced from their squats in northern occupied Palestine. This exerts pressure on the zionist state as they fail in their task to protect their settlers. This pressure is further compounded when you take into consideration the protests that occur in support of a ceasefire with the goal of returning the zionist POWs.
The military losses suffered in Gaza and the West bank as well as along the Northern Front with Hezbollah must be understood within the context of the zionist entity and its prestige. It has long positioned itself as the strongest military in the Middle East, and for a time this may have been true. The Six Day War is often used as a symbol of national “pride” within the zionist entity — a time when it defeated the entire Middle East in less than a week. Since this time, it is no longer the military powerhouse it once was.
Decades of being nothing more than a glorified police force which specializes in brutalizing civilians, it has blunted whatever “skill” it once possessed. As always, the imperialists have been shown to be nothing but a paper tiger. Regardless of this loss in military strength however, we must never forget the hundreds of thousands of lives the zionist entity has taken since October 7th and the hundreds of thousands more it has taken in the past.
In 2021 and 2023, the zionist entity carried out two operations, Operation Sunbeam and Operation Firm Hand. Both operations were designed to “stress test” the zionists military on its ability to fight a multifront war. The Fronts which were considered were ones with Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Gaza and the West Bank were not considered serious problems and Yemen was not factored into the equation at all. Both operations ended in an zionist defeat.
Today we see that militarily they cannot defeat the Palestinian Resistance or Hezbollah. Previously, both groups have beaten the zionist entity. The zionists were pushed out of Gaza in 2006, and similarly they were defeated by Hezbollah both in 2000 and in 2006. The Palestinian Resistance and Hezbollah were far weaker then than they are now, while the zionists were much stronger.
Tensions are heightening between the zionist entity and Hezbollah with full scale war on the horizon. Hezbollah released drone footage it captured over occupied Palestine highlighting targets that will be attacked in the event of full scale war. These targets include zionist air bases, the port of “haifa”, fuel storage facilities, and the Golan Heights. All areas will be attacked and hit; Hezbollah has the capacity to make good on its threats. If this were to happen, many more zionists will flee. With every military loss, every international condemnation, every economic loss, the viability of the zionist project disappears.
The zionist entity right now is banking on American boots on the ground to save them. It cannot survive without American support. We’ve already seen how the Yankee imperialists along with their ever trusted lapdog Britain came rushing to its defense by attacking Yemen in a laughable attempt to end their blockade. Instead, both America and Britain were sent fleeing with their tails between their legs.
The Palestinian resistance has already attested to the fact that they’ve been fighting American troops inside of Gaza, but we’ve yet to see a large deployment by America in support of the zionist entity. However, even with American help, there’s no guarantee of victory. In fact quite the opposite. America could not win a war against the Axis of Resistance.
It is believed that when war breaks out between the zionist entity and Hezbollah, Hezbollah will dominate the battlefield by firing thousands upon thousands of missiles into Occupied Palestine. The zionists believe that their Iron Dome will save them. It will not.
The Iron Dome is often touted as one of the world’s most advanced air defense systems, designed to destroy incoming missiles. The zionists claim that the Iron Dome has a 90% interception rate. The truth however, is very different.
In a report released by The Cradle, professor Emeritus Theodore Postal of MIT argued that the Iron Dome instead has an interception rate of 4 – 5%. The Iron Dome does not defend areas it has no coverage over, the Iron Dome also does not target every rocket, it targets the ones branded the most serious threat due to where it is hitting. Furthermore, the Iron Dome is mostly used to target cheaply made, slow moving Palestinian rockets, not the advanced missiles of Hezbollah.
Recent videos have been surfacing of Iron Dome Missiles malfunctioning, crashing and exploding inside zionist territory. Hezbollah recently launched a missile and drone attack against “Naharieh” military base. No Iron Dome interceptions occurred.
The Iraqi Resistance
Militarily, the Iraqi Resistance has managed to hit the zionist entity consistently. In April of this year the Iraqi Resistance managed to attack the port of “haifa” with drones, targeting and successfully hitting oil refineries there. The American imperialists, the true masters of the zionist entity, still occupy parts of Iraq. This is despite the fact that the Iraqi government has asked the Americans to leave the country on multiple occasions. Because of this ongoing provocation by the imperialists, the Iraqi resistance has routinely targeted American bases inside of Iraq and Syria.
A brief pause in these actions occurred for several months in hopes that now rounds of talks with the Iraqi government would convince the imperialists to leave. These talks having led to no meaningful changes in Iraq, the Iraqi Resistance is continuing its attacks on American military assets.
The Yemeni Front
Yemen was quick to announce its support for Palestine. Every Friday since October 7th the Yemeni people have marched in millions in support of Palestine within the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.
The Yemeni government under the leadership of president Abdul-Malik al-Houthi asked permission from the Saudi government for access to their land so that they would be able to march into occupied Palestine to fight alongside the resistance. This request was denied.
Undeterred, Yemen has enacted a very successful blockade of the zionist entity in the Red Sea, in accordance with the Geneva Convention which calls on states to prevent genocide even outside of their own respective nations.
Yemen has also struck the zionists directly, managing to fly a drone from Yemen to occupied Palestine and strike the ethnically cleansed city of Jaffa now known as “tel aviv.” This situation was an embarrassment for the zionists. A drone managed to evade its radars and air defenses and strike within the heart of their settler colonial project. For once, zionists no longer felt safe in the capital city of their bloody regime.
In response, the Western imperialist nations led by the U.S. sought to deter Yemen from this course of action, sending an aircraft carrier strike group into the Red Sea to conduct bombing raids on Yemeni soil. This has had no effect on Yemen’s determination to honor its international duties and continue the blockade.
The Iranian Front
The attack that scared the zionists the most, however, came from Iran in April this year in response to the zionist attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria. The Iranian response targeted the zionist air base in “nevatim.” Although the zionist entity claimed the attack wasn’t successful, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The air base in question was the most heavily defended base in the Middle East. It was designed specifically to repel an Iranian attack. It was equipped with an integrated defense system, containing Iron Dome Batteries, Patriot Missiles, David’s Sling air defense missiles and U.S. THAAD ABM batteries. Furthermore, the base was protected by U.S. AN/TPY-2 X-band radar, one of the most advanced radar detection systems on the planet. On the night of the Iranian response, the U.S., Britain, France, and Jordan all came together with the zionist entity to try and destroy the missiles and drones that were fired at the base. In the end, the base was still hit.
This attack was not designed to destroy the base, but instead to tell the zionist that Iran can attack it and hit it anytime it wants, anywhere it wants. The most heavily guarded base in the Middle East, receiving support from four different countries, at the cost of billions of dollars, and the missiles still hit their targets.
Recently, the zionist entity carried out two assassinations. One inside of Lebanon, targeting a suburb in Beirut which has claimed the lives of 7 people, including 2 children, Amira and Hassan Fadlallah ages 6 and 10. They carried out a further attack inside Tehran, the capital of Iran where the leader of Palestinian Resistance group Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, ascended to martyrdom.
Now, the zionist entity sits paralyzed as it awaits an even larger response — not just from Iran for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, but also from Hezbollah in response to the assassination of a Hezbollah commander in Beirut, and from Yemen in response to the bombing of the port city of Hodeidah. The zionist settlers are currently huddled within their bunkers, their leaders hiding as well. Fear has gripped the zionist entity, and the response is coming. Now, Iran and its allies have refused talks to “de-escalate,” they’ve made it clear that red lines have been crossed and nothing will deter them from responding, not even if the response kicks off a regional war.
Once again, in preparation for this retaliation, more American and British military assets are being moved into the region. The collaborator Abdullah II, King of Jordan, has frantically tried to call on Iran not to respond and has prepared his country to defend the zionist entity. This will not save the zionists. Iran is smart enough to take the Western imperialists into consideration when it launches its retaliation. The greatest integrated defense systems in the region could not save the zionist entity last time, and it will not save them this time, especially as this retaliation will be magnitudes bigger than the last one.
Russia has recently begun delivering a myriad of weapons to Iran, mostly made up of the S-300 missile defense system, widely considered to be one of the best air defense systems in the world. This signals that Iran will expect further zionist aggression when it responds to the zionist assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.
Iran is expecting a prolonged engagement with the zionist entity, and these air defense missiles will help protect Iranian soil and minimize any zionist damage to the country while also still maintaining a large capacity to strike and hurt the zionists directly.
Deterrence and Escalation Management
We must also understand that the zionist entity has lost deterrence in the region. Within warfare there is an “escalation ladder” or “escalation management”. This measures and controls the escalation of a conflict, how hard one may strike in response to a certain action. The tamer the action, the tamer the response; the more severe the action, the more severe the response. American political scientist John Mearsheimer argues however that the zionist entity never operated on this principle. They operated on the principle of escalation dominance. When they were attacked, they’d respond with overwhelming force to deter their enemy. If one bomb hit them, they’d fire 100. If one soldier was killed, they’d kill 100. This was their method of deterrence and it has failed them. No matter what they do, the Axis of Resistance has shown itself wholly capable of not only absorbing the blow but retaliating just as strongly. The zionist entity no longer possesses deterrence.
The Zionist Economy
The zionist entity is also becoming increasingly economically crippled. The port of “eilat” has declared bankruptcy thanks to the Yemeni blockade. The port of occupied Haifa similarly faces difficulties as routine attacks have impacted its revenue stream. In addition, with every zionist who is called up for active duty in the IOF, businesses lose workers. The Hebrew Channel “kan” announced that nearly 46,000 commercial projects within the zionist entity have collapsed since October 7th. The economy is failing and will continue to fail for as long as they are at war. Western aid has helped to stabilize it in some regards, but this is a temporary measure.
The cost of war extends further. The price of military equipment shows a large disparity between costs for the zionists when compared to the cost for the Resistance. The standard rocket used by Hezbollah, the Burkan, costs $400 to manufacture. The primary rocket used by Hamas, the Qassam rocket, only costs $600 to manufacture. Meanwhile, a standard Iron Dome interceptor missile costs $50,000. Basic rules of warfare usually means that 2 rockets are fired for every 1 you intend to shoot down. This is to ensure that if one interceptor misses its target, the second one would get it.
This means that the zionist entity, whose economy is in shambles even with support from its debt-ridden masters in Washington, could be spending $100,000 for every $400 or $600 missile it intends to intercept. It is estimated that Hezbollah sits on a stockpile of over 100,000 rockets. We do not know how many of these are Burkan rockets, but regardless the cost of shooting all of these down with Iron Dome interceptors would be in the billions. This is unsustainable for the zionists.
In a war with Hezbollah, the U.S. has already warned that Hezbollah could overwhelm the Iron Dome via its ability to fire over 3,000 missiles everyday into the entity. The price of intercepting all of these would be enormous. More importantly, it’s something the entity is unable to do.
International Pressure and the ICJ
On the world stage the zionist entity is becoming increasingly isolated. Many countries, mostly within the global south such as Colombia and Bolivia have severed all ties with the zionist entity. Certain nations, such as Spain, have suspended arms shipments. The real pressure comes from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). As of this moment, the ICC is seeking arrest warrants for Benzion Mileikowsky, or Benjamin Netanyahu as he calls himself now, and Yoav Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The big hit came from the South African case in the ICJ. The ICJ reaffirmed international law by ruling that the zionist occupation of Gaza, West Bank, and East Jerusalem is illegal. It declared the zionist entity an apartheid state and ordered that the occupation within 1967 borders must end, that all settlements must be dismantled, and all settlers recalled. This applies major pressure not just against the zionist entity but also on its allies. Weapons shipments, for example, now stand in violation of international law as no nation can legally help in the occupation of Palestinian land.
This pressure is good, but we must also sober ourselves. If the West has shown anything, it has shown that it does not care about international law.
Internal Contradictions in Zionist Society
With everything laid out, a question must be asked: why is the zionist entity escalating tensions with Iran and Lebanon if it cannot win a war against them? The answer is simple: because peace will kill it.
For the zionists this is seen as a victory. They struck a blow against Hamas, destroyed its leadership.. Or so they think. As Fred Hampton once said “you can kill a revolutionary, but you can never kill the revolution.” The zionists have assassinated various Hamas leaders over the years, including Hamas’s founder, Ahmed Yassin. This is nothing new to them and the revolution will continue.
What must be understood about these assassinations is that they are not the actions of a strong country, but of a cornered, wounded animal. If the zionist entity is to survive, it must continue the war and escalate the situation even further. To stop now would be to lose everything. The zionist entity set the goals of this war as the total annihilation of Hamas, a goal it can never achieve. Hamas, along with the various other Palestinian resistance organizations such as the PIJ, PFLP, and DFLP, are the personification of the Palestinian will to survive. They are organizations born from the masses and reflect the will of the masses. Every new martyr, every Palestinian that is killed creates two more Palestinian revolutionaries willing to die in the fight to liberate their land.
Despite this, the zionists fight on under the leadership of an increasingly erratic Mileikowsky. Due to the war goals he has established, if they were to sign a ceasefire now the zionist entity would lose face. It would be a strategic defeat for them and the end of Mileikowskys’ political career. Furthermore the cracks in zionist society would break the colony apart.
Prior to October 7th, the zionist entity was on the verge of a civil war. Mileikowsky was trying to take power away from the entity’s judiciary and supreme court which was met with fierce protests and riots. The zionist entity began attacking itself. These cracks haven’t gone away, they’ve grown wider.
As a settler colony, the zionist regime must continually expand to survive. The contradictions of capitalism, of zionist society, are transferred onto the Palestinian people. The zionist entity has no proletariat, no working class, only settlers living a petty bourgeois lifestyle and a permanent underclass of occupied Palestinians trapped within its borders. What happens when that ends?
The nature of the zionist state is to protect its settlers as they expand the borders and to uphold the petty bourgeois settler lifestyle that baits in more settlers. This, however, is something that is quickly failing. The settler state for ten months now has shown itself to be wholly unable to protect its settlers. Once the settler is not protected, the settler leaves. We’ve seen this throughout history. When the settler state falls, the settler flees in its wake.
Since October 7th, hundreds of thousands of zionist have left the zionist entity and never intend to return. Thousands have been killed on the battlefield, tens of thousands more have been wounded. The zionist entity survives so long as it can continue to expand and this expansion can only occur via a willing settler population. However, its expansion is dying as it continues to lose the war. As it loses the ability to expand, the walls come crumbling down. Zionists will leave in droves, its prestige will be gone, it will lose everything.
Right now the zionists sit in fear each night in bunkers throughout the occupied territories. They cower, awaiting the inevitable response from the resistance. The zionist settlers are now completely unsure of the state’s ability to protect them. Without that protection, settlers flee and new settlers will not arrive to replace those lost.
It has been mentioned before that the ICJ ruled that the zionist entity is committing genocide, that it is an apartheid state and must withdraw from the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jeruselum.. Once the international pressure is truly felt, the zionists will have no choice but to remove themselves from these areas. Once expansion stops, settlers stop arriving, and funding from zionist communities in America stops coming. The borders will stagnate and then, with the further flight of the settlers as their petty bourgeois lifestyle is destroyed the borders will shrink and eventually the entity will cease to exist altogether. Settlers fear the loss of their settler status. They fear having conditions placed upon them, of no longer being able to do whatever they want.
The cracks in zionist society can be seen recently with the threat of civil war which almost kicked off just under a month ago. Nine zionist soldiers were arrested under charges of rape, which they committed on camera in “sde teiman.” The settler response to the arrests was widespread protesting, rioting, and armed settler militias attempting to seize a military base. The situation was so dire, zionist troops had to be redirected from Gaza back into occupied Palestine to deal with it.
The protests which occurred were not out of anger over what these soldiers did, but out of anger over their arrest. This prompted a debate inside the zionist parliament over whether or not it was legal to rape Palestinians. Many came out in support of this “right” to rape Palestinains.
Zionists, when faced with the slightest pushback on their status as settlers, when a small line was drawn over their treatment towards Palestinians, almost lit the fires of civil war. This is a monstrous society, but it is also a society which is not prepared for, nor capable of surviving, the conditions of an all out war.
Another crack formed as well, where a zionist soldier opened fire on his superior officers, killing three of them and then committing suicide. There are other cases where zionist soldiers have committed suicide after returning from Gaza. The military is breaking down.
As mentioned previously, the zionist POWs held by the Palestinian Resistance have exerted tremendous pressure to end the genocide in Gaza to ensure the safe return of the zionist soldiers. Make no mistake, the average zionist settler cares not about the civilians in Gaza. Their opposition to the genocide comes only from the pressure exerted by the captured POWs. Without them, the zionists would not squawk. A poll carried out by the Pew Research Center in May, 2024 found that 34% of zionist settlers believe that the zionist militaries genocide (or as it was framed in the poll, “military response to Hamas in Gaza”) had not gone far enough. 39% argued it’s just the right amount, whereas only 19% argued that it had gone too far.
This response is worse when broken down further. The divide between Arabs living as second class citizens within the zionist entity and the zionist settlers themselves can be seen in responses to the genocide committed by zionist forces in Gaza. 74% of Arabs argue that the zionist military has gone too far in Gaza compared to only 4% of the settlers. Without the POWs and the pressure they exert on the government of the zionist entity to end the war, there’d be no protests to end it. The settlers would not care, and out of fear of their lives from settler reprisals the Arabs would not speak.
The undeniable truth is that the zionist entity is on its way to collapse. Its attempts at escalating the conflict have only delayed the inevitable. The zionist entity has laid its face bare for the entire world to see. There is no returning to October 6th; its crimes have been burned into the mind of every person still human enough to feel anger at what it has done. Its economy is failing, its military is failing. It is facing a 6 front war which it cannot win. One cannot help but compare this situation to that of apartheid South Africa which attempted to fight a 5 front war. It collapsed just a few years later. The contradictions inherent within zionist society, which for too long has been pushed out onto the periphery, have begun to come home. The petty bourgeois settler lifestyle zionist settlers have enjoyed for so long is beginning to disappear. The invincibility these monsters have felt for so long is beginning to disappear and be replaced by fear. Palestinian liberation is on the horizon and it has been paid for by Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian, and Iranian blood. And therein lies the problem.
The settler colonial entity would not exist if not for the Balfour Declaration signed by the British in 1917 which gave away Palestinian land to European settlers. The U.N. resolution in 1948 expanded zionism’s borders further, and now into the modern age, America, as the zionist entity’s modern day benefactor has kept the zionist entity afloat.
Every bomb dropped, every bullet fired, every artillery shell that destroys a Palestinian home comes from the West. All the political cover such as U.N. vetoes comes from Western countries. The zionist entity is a Western satellite state to further Western imperialism in the region. The West created zionism and yet it is not our blood which is being spilt to kill it. Those least responsible for this monster’s creation are the ones who are having to spill their blood to defeat it. The response by the West more generally has been disappointing to say the least.
Opposition towards the genocide has rarely escalated beyond peaceful protests which fall on deaf ears, save for a notable, actions by the organization Palestinian Action have seen the closure of several zionist military factories within the U.S. and U.K. Trade unions have done little to oppose the genocide. Communist parties have not done much more. Take America as an example. The United Autoworkers Union has recently decided to endorse Kamala Harris for President, the same Kamala Harris overseeing the genocide in Gaza, the same Kamala Harris which announced the zionist entities right to defend itself. The same Kamala Harris who greenlit the assassinations carried out in Beirut and Tehran. The “Communist” party of the United States of America “CPUSA” similarly have given their endorsement to the Democrats, citing the “threat” of republican fascism. Their only response to Gaza varies from holding Hamas as equally evil as zionism or claiming that Trump would somehow be worse for Palestine than Kamala. How can someone be worse when it comes to genocide one might ask themselves. The Biden administration has given its full support to the zionist entity, every red line has been a theater. In truth, the zionist entity doesn’t sneeze without first asking America for permission. To tail one bourgeois party as a result of a perceived threat from another, with no thought given to the third world whose people die everyday at the hands of both parties is an abandonment of Marxism. It is a spit in the face of the primary duty of communists within the era of imperialism. To shrug your shoulders and ignore what’s going on in exchange for focusing on petty concessions and flowery language at home is a rejection of the revolutionary and internationalist essence of Marxism-Leninism.
Through the blood of Martyrs the liberation of Palestine will occur, the zionist entity will fall, and this will be a time of celebration. But with every day of inaction in the west, more Palestinian lives are lost. More Lebanese lives are lost. More Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian, and Iranian lives are lost. Children with no parents, parents with no children. The old, the young, the sick, the healthy, the women, the children, the men, all will continue to be killed. How many more Palestinians must languish in torture camps, being beaten and raped? How many children must be torn away from their parents to be held in indefinite detention? How many more journalists must be killed? Aid workers bombed? Houses destroyed? Artifacts looted? How many Palestinians must starve, how many must fall ill? How much blood are we willing to see spilt before we say “no more?”
How much longer can the “pro Palestinian” members of the West continue to watch the genocide unfold from the safety of our own houses, surrounded by our families, and become enraged by the footage we see until we put down our phones and walk away?
Palestinians have no such luxury, they cannot ignore the horror which surrounds them on a daily basis. They cannot escape the violence, they are penned in.
All members of trade unions, Communist parties, and anti imperialist organizations must pressure their leadership and formulate plans to pressure our own governments, by any means necessary, towards a boycott against the zionist, of an embargo, economic sanctions or even military interventions. Anything which will bring an end to the genocide and help liberate Palestine from the river to the sea.