Connecticut Struggle Against White Supremacists Reaches Rocky Hill, Hamden, New Haven

April 28, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

Rocky Hill is calling for organized, united anti-fascist action! — not only an action for one afternoon, but persistent resistance against NSC-131 and all other fascist militia encroachments. We must fight back, not only today, and not only tomorrow, but day after day, week after week, and year after year. Only then, only in unity, will we find the strength to forcibly expel the fascists from our communities, once and for all.

Popular Demonstrations Force Clay County, Missouri Officials to Charge White Supremacist in Shooting of Black Child

April 21, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

The Black community of Kansas City, and their allies, did not wait for the police to act. They demanded action. The masses, primarily the local Black working-class community, poured into the streets. They gathered in front of Lester’s house to demand justice. They gathered in front of the police station to expose the lie of “protect and serve.”

Plague Rat in Chief

April 19, 2023 Cde. Dremel 0

With the end of the public health emergency comes the end of any state-coordinated resistance. Uninsured testing is over. Surveillance of new cases, variants, and deaths is over.

Fascist Political Games Threaten Bodily Autonomy: Mifepristone in Question

April 17, 2023 Cde. J. Katsfoter 0

In the debate over abortion there are two major camps within the ruling class. On one side stand the left fascists, who are joined by ruling class interests like drug giant Pfizer. On the other side are open social reactionaries, the most vicious of capitalism’s domestic faces, who have been planting ever-broader roots among the most violently reactionary segments of the population.