PFLP Statement Dec. 26

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

This English translation of a PFLP statement from December 26 originally appeared on the Resistance News Network Telegramand is archived by the Red Clarion in its unedited form.

The arrests are a failed attempt to empty the West Bank of its principled and resistant leaders.

Targeting and arresting our leaders and cadres will not break the will of our people.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the zionist occupation’s launch of widespread arrests among the leaders and cadres of the Front in the West Bank this morning is a vengeful approach against our people and their leaders who adopt both clear and principled positions, in a desperate and failed attempt to empty the West Bank of any national or political mobilization opposing the occupation in light of its abysmal failure to suppress the explosive resistance in the West Bank.

The Front concluded its statement by affirming that targeting influential Palestinian leaders will not break the will of our people or the resistance, and will not create security and safety for the occupation and its settlers. It will lead to adverse results for the zionist entity, which today suffers from an existential dilemma and is mired in the Palestinian quagmire due to the firm resistance and the legendary steadfastness and resilience of our people.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded
