Solidarity With Jamaica LANDS!

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The Editors at USU and all our readers extend our heartfelt solidarity to Jamaica LANDS and the achievements they have made over the past few years. Their upcoming party congress marks an exceptional growth in their organization. The congress to be held this year will focus on:

  • Jamaican constitutional reform to transition the state to a republic
  • A thorough review of the LANDS constitution
  • The election of a new secretariat and selection of new officers for committee positions

Today, Jamaica is a Commonwealth monarchy, a relic of its past as a feudal possession of the United Kingdom. It was under the restored Charles II that Jamaica was captured from its original colonial masters of Spain; it is, perhaps, appropriate, that it will advance down the road of decolonization under the geriatric Charles III.

International solidarity is the cornerstone of the Communist movement. It is the sine qua non, the without-which-not, which defines the commitment to a Communist struggle and differentiates it from opportunism, reformism, and revanchism. We at USU stand today, and always, in solidarity with the work of our brave international comrades.

Jamaica LANDS has tackled problems of organization and mobilization that the so-called Communist parties of the United States Empire can only dream of achieving.

We salute you, comrades! May you march ever toward liberation!
