PFLP: Three Updates for November 10, 2023

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

These English language statements were originally published on the Resistance News Network Telegram channel on November 10, 2023.

Status Update

The Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, with all its military wings, is fighting the battle according to a strategy designed to exhaust the enemy forces and achieve victory for our people. This war will not end except with a victory for the resistance.

The resistance has not yet faced any setback or failure, and our people’s confidence in the resistance is complete in what it declares. This is the main point of strength in this battle, alongside the determination of the resistance fighters and leaders to achieve victory.

The resistance is exerting all its efforts to spare our people from the brutal crimes of the enemy, which imposes additional burdens on it, which it rises to with determination and a spirit of sacrifice.

We call on the masses of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world to escalate action and struggle against the forces of the aggressive alliance, and to transform popular anger into a fire that burns the forces of aggression and their supporters in every place in this world.

We affirm our complete confidence in achieving a historic victory for our people, despite the brutal crimes of the enemy’s army and the ongoing genocide, and the collusion of the forces of aggression against our people.

November 10, 2023

Hospital Attacks and Ceasefire Deception

The world is complicit in targeting and destroying hospitals… and talk of a ceasefire is a cover for the ongoing crime.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the zionist enemy has received international cover for the series of crimes it carried out today against the hospitals of the Gaza Strip, which constitute an extension of the crime of targeting hospitals since the beginning of the aggression.

The Front emphasized that the enemy, bankrupt [defeated] in confrontation with the heroes of the resistance, considers hospitals to be the direct target of its aerial bombing and ground campaign, not hiding this intention but rather persistently insisting on declaring its brutal intentions. Yet, it has still enjoyed and continues to enjoy full international cover for these unprecedented crimes in human history.

The Front stressed that targeting more than 8 hospitals within less than 12 hours, including 6 hospitals during the last few hours, is a clear confirmation from the occupation of the falsehood of what the American administration propagates about its intention to commit to a humanitarian ceasefire.

The Front warned of the danger of numbing the Arab peoples and solidarity forces with American claims about the occupation’s commitment to a ceasefire, or the intention of the American administration to pressure it to refrain from targeting civilians, which is nothing but a big lie and a maneuver by the American administration to prolong the duration of the aggression and to provide full cover for the continuation and escalation of brutal genocide crimes.

The Front called on the Arab peoples, solidarity forces, and Arab governments to take a decisive and firm stance against the zionist enemy and its supporting states, especially the United States of America.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Central Media Department

November 10, 2023

Crimes Against Palestinian Prisoners

The Office of Martyrs and Prisoners in the Popular Front: The occupation’s crimes against prisoners have exceeded all limits.

The Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in a statement issued on Friday, November 10, affirmed that the occupation’s crimes against Palestinian prisoners have reached indescribable levels of brutality and savagery, constituting a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity in all their forms.

The statement mentioned that since October 7, the occupation forces escalated their arrest campaigns, leading to the arrest of more than 2,300 Palestinians, including the elderly, children, and women. In these arrest operations, brutal tactics were used, including detaining the relatives of those targeted for arrest as hostages, among others.

The statement also clarified that the interrogation procedures have become another link in the chain of war crimes, ranging from beating, mistreatment, and brutal torture, to threats of raping female prisoners and relatives of prisoners, and harassment of minor girls by the enemy army soldiers, culminating in the execution of many prisoners during the vengeful and brutal torture rituals that the occupation insists on calling interrogation.

The statement emphasized that the occupation forces no longer care about hiding or justifying their crimes, but continue them arrogantly. The arrests now include lawyers, who are one of the few means of defending the rights of prisoners and learning about their conditions.

The statement noted that the execution of prisoners in jails by the occupation authorities continues with international cover and silence. The insistence of the International Red Cross and many international organizations concerned to ignore the reality of these conditions, and their excuse that the occupation prevents them from visiting the prisoners and learning about their conditions, is an argument against them, not for them, confirming the ongoing complicity of international institutions in the comprehensive massacre and genocide waged by the occupation against our people.

The statement called on the relevant international institutions to immediately impose sanctions on the occupation, expel it from all international bodies concerned with human rights, boycott and internationally isolate it, and impose the severest sanctions against it.

The statement mentioned that it is impossible to equate the noble humanitarian treatment of the Palestinian resistance towards the occupation’s prisoners of all categories, and their earnest efforts to preserve them despite the brutal bombing targeted at them by the occupation state, with the treatment of this criminal state.

Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

November 10, 2023
